Monday, June 2, 2008

How to remove acne marks and oatmeal with honey good acne remedy

Acne is often thought of as a teenage affliction but men and women in their 20s, 30s, and 40s make up half the acne population. Young children and elderly adults don't seem to get acne. Teenage acne is equally distributed between girls and boys but adult acne is more common in women.
Many over-the-counter acne medicines exist that will help you treat, heal and eventually prevent your acne. Different products work for different skin types, so you may need to test several to see what works best for you. Effects will be different for everyone and in some cases, you may find that one particular product does not work for you or is particularly irritating while another works fine. Find what works for you and then keep using it. This should help keep your acne in control.
Keep your acne infected area clean. Do not scrub the effected area as this will only aggravate the infection and cause more harm. Use a clean wash cloth with a mild cleanser and gently wash the area at least three times a day to fight acne.
tags: acne clean produto natural, what is the best medication against acne, what is the best way to get rid of acne

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