Monday, August 4, 2008

Mild face wash for acne and what can i do to get rid of acne

When you are looking for a natural cure for acne, remember to consider the source. Where is the information coming from? Is it an acne sufferer just like yourself, or is it someone who is working with an affiliated marketer and is looking sell you something. Remember that just because someone is trying to sell you something doesn't mean that their product is bad. To the contrary, it might mean that you have made contact with an excellent product. All you need to do is to check the sources in question, look at the testimonials and see how well the company is reviewed. Take some time to make sure that they are all that they claim to be.
4. If your acne decides to show up a day or hours before the big date, or if you've run out of ideas to clear the blemish in time, use make up to cover up the acne. However, make sure that you choose the right make up for your skin. Avoid oil-based cosmetics. Go with mineral- and water-based make up because this will not further aggravate the acne.
You may be surprised how for mild acne even some very simple treatment ointments will be very effective. Some people find that just cleaning the skin with some lemon juices and then applying some tea tree oil on their pimples will solve their acne problems. Don't be afraid to try some simple treatments like these if they get good reviews, before buying expensive acne products.
tags: over the counter acne treatments containing retin, best way to free acne, pesticides causes acne

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